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Marga Peters Marga Peters schrieb am 10. Sep­tem­ber 2016
Dear Mr Klüger,

We have just retur­ned from our trip to Mada­gas­car and it was sim­ply fan­ta­stic: every day was a new adven­ture with almost too many new impres­si­ons to take in. Every aspect of the tour was seam­lessly orga­nised and our tour lea­ders were always pro­fes­sio­nal and welcoming. 

The places we stayed at were clean (even the boat!) and some­ti­mes sur­pri­sing with lots of cha­rac­ter. We par­ti­cu­larly recom­mend hotel ‘Belle Vue’ for the final rela­xing days at the beach. The young and char­ming cou­ple run­ning the place go above and bey­ond to give their guests a memo­rable stay. On top of that they try and fight (some­ti­mes lite­rally) to pre­serve the eco-sys­tem in the area – not easy with all the poli­ti­cal inte­rests play­ing. Plus the food there is hea­venly, very important to us Belgians ;-). 

Should you want more feed­back, I am always wil­ling to ans­wer your questions.

So thank you and keep up the good work!

Kin­dest Regards
Marga Peters
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